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Friday, December 2, 2011

Mars Attacks - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The only reason to watch this film is a top "a"list cast headed by Jack Nicholson.If you remember the old trading card set that supposedly inspired this movie then you felt cheated and betrayed because only the Martians look the same but the story here is a joke.Sort of a funny independence day take on the near annihilation that the cards portrayed in a deadly serious manner.Cards that could not be made today by the way as they are were too graphically violent to be sold to kids these days.Back to the film.I'm sorry but "parody"of classic 50's sci-fi is not for me in this case.But I admit to not being a big Tim Burton fan,so if you are,you'd might like this film especially if you never saw the trading card set.So see it once but thats enough for me.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.
Oh there is a good line about blowing up congress that resonates today and its nice to see Tom Jones :)

It is a normal day for everyone, until the President of the United States announces Martians have been spotted circling Earth. The Martians land and a meeting is arranged, but not everything goes to plan, and the Martians seem to have other plans for Earth. Are they just misunderstood beings or do they really want to destroy all of humanity? Written by Film_Fan

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