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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ultimate Warrior - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1975 and running 94 minutes I kinda forgot this film till my son asked me about "The Book of Eli"and then I remembered this film."Eli"used the Bible as a focus and this film uses vegetable seeds.I was luke warm on Eli because it draws so much on this film without being a direct remake.However after comparing so many other remakes like "Rollerball" and "Assuault on Precinct 13"and TV's Battlestar Galattica which are far different than the originals while keeping the names,this doesn't keep the name but only key plot elements.You would have to see both films to agree or disagree.

Anyway to this post-apocalyptic film.It's 2015 in NYC and gangs fight for whats left.Loner Yul Brynner as Carson finally sides with Max von Sydow as Baron against great bad guy
William Smith as Carrot.NOT the ex rapper Will Smith,remember released in 1975, but another character actor who excelled playing bad guys.Like the Russian tracker in "Red Dawn"
Anyway,Carson sides with Baron because he offered him cigars as well as the usual stuff,food sex ect.,and Carson tells him its odd what men will fight for when nothings left,as he puffs on that cigar !!!
See it if you like Eli and even if you didn't because I think its a smarter story and well acted.However like other films back then its sort of dated and doesn't hold up as well as other films.Plays like a TV movie.Thats why I took 1 and 1/2 star off.The trailer URL following the pix is a actual scene as I could't find a reel trailer.

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