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Friday, July 8, 2011

Highlander - 4 stars out of 5

There can ONLY be one.One of the best lines in any sic -fi film ever.We have all thought of immortality in one way or another.Well,what if you WERE immortal and all you had to do was stay alive while other immortals try to slice off your head with a sword,because there can only be one.That is the only way you can die,beheaded and the immortal doing it gets YOUR life-force to add to theirs.In the end,there can only be one.A immortal only becomes one when he dies for the first time then arises  never to die again unless beheaded.This film spawned a few sequels and a fairly well done TV series so its a must for reference of the future projects.I took a star off because i'm not in love with Christopher Lambert as Connor 'The Highlander' MacLeod / Russell Edwin Nash  but Sean Connery as Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez,his "teacher"more than makes up for Lambert.The rest of the cast is just ok.Remake anyone ??
The Movie was released in 1986 and runs 116 minutes.The Highlander first died in old Scotland in the 1500's and survived till now.The gathering is fast approaching and the question is how much longer can he survive after 500 years.Immortals blended in to survive but when they did have to fight each other the winner got the life-force in whats called "the quicking"But the time of"the gathering"is near and like moths to a flame the fights are increasing. The movie does rock and roll including music by Queen and a crazy fight scene on the roof of the old Silvercup bakery in Queens NYC.
If you like sic - fi its a MUST .Trailer  is a Queen music video-Princes Of The Universe after the pix.

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