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Friday, December 7, 2012

Rent - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.Thats how many minutes are in one year and maybe how long I will remember this movie and have that song on my head.
Released in 2005 and running 135 minutes,I resisted seeing this movie till now.My bad,always see things for yourself and I was foolish to not enjoy this fabulous musical till now.Why 1 star off,well,there are things of a moral nature that one might find offensive and that does limit the audience somewhat but to them I say,400 years for racial equality and some might argue really,so understand THAT when watching a film about drugs and same sex affairs and just trying to cope. I can write at length about that,but this film does that so much easier as a visual medium.The first hour is kinda "in your face"and that shock will test your patience,but do stick it out.The final hour is proof that love,trust,and perseverance will set you free.Its moving,sad,uplifting,depressing,obnoxious and finally  a great musical movie.Ah the music is wonderful,the actors pretty and talented.Shout out to Wilson Jermaine Heredia,a Brooklyn kid ,Rosario Dawson a beautiful NYC girl ,Adam Pascal from the Bronx and Jesse L. Martin and Anthony Rapp and ALL the others.The late Jonathan Larson wrote the book and scored the fabulous music on Broadway this movie is based on.If you lived in NYC at all,you know these people,they are more real that any rich folks being characterized in other movies,will EVER be to you and I.See it if for nothing else than art's sake,but do see it.A trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.No one ever deserves to die of AIDS.

This is the film version of the Pulitzer and Tony Award winning musical about Bohemians in the East Village of New York City struggling with life, love and AIDS, and the impacts they have on America.

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