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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mooz-lum - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Growing up thru the turbulent 60's I witnessed the"black muslim"movement and was intrigued with it.Then came 9/11 and my fears were of a new race war threat that was bearably avoided back in those years.So it was with not a little trepidation i viewed this film.Drawn to it by Danny Glover I left amazed by Evan Ross and Kimberley Drummond.
Released in 2011 and running 99 minutes,some might feel who cares?? That would be their lose.For this is actually 2 films in one.First it is a coming of age film about a young man who has to come to grips with his past and future.To understand that his past,though rough and hard to understand, is none the less part of who he is and will always be. Second it is a film about not being "white middle class" in the US and still living and trying to enjoy what the country has to offer.It's hard to embrace till you slowly are drawn into the characters of brother and sister of a broken home,one embracing the past and the other running from it.The acting is so intensely gripping you are hooked after 5 minutes.
I only took 1 star off because this won't have"mass"appeal,but I liked it.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Amid a strict Muslim rearing and a social life he's never had, Tariq (Evan Ross) enters college confused. New peers, family and mentors help him find his place, but the 9-11 attacks force him to face his past and make the biggest decisions of his life. Written by Anonymous

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