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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Linda McCartney Story - 3 stars out of 5 stars

This was a CBS TV movie released in 2000 and running 90 minutes.I found parts of it very interesting but it really told the story of Linda's marriage to Paul basically but with a few interesting sidelights and omissions.Thus I took 2 stars off and recommend only for really Paul fans as you are led to believe his life would have been in ruin after the Beatle breakup if not for Linda.Still the film has some fine moments as its told in a back and forward framed timeline, as Linda is fighting cancer which finally she died from in 1998 after 30 years with Paul and being talked into playing in his new follow up band"Wings".They had 3 kids together and seemed to love each other though both were very experienced before they met.See she was a photographer for Rolling Stone and had affairs with Mick Jagger and  Jim Morrison and already had a daughter from a prior marriage.So if you want to see actors portraying Rock Stars when they are still alive,its another reason to see the film.Most of the cast are "b" list but work well in their rolls and Elizabeth Mitchell is a better actor than I thought. Notably absent is the heavy drug use though Paul's 9 days in jail in Japan for possession is touched on.So its worth a view for the specialized audience I mentioned.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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