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Thursday, August 2, 2012

13 Rue Madeleine - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Ok,ok,I admit I'm a James Cagney but-boy but this old chestnut from 1947 running but 95 minutes is as good as it gets before FX and cold war Bond or Bourne flicks.This is WW11 and the beginning of the secret wars still being fought till today.Yes its shot in b&w and might seem silly sometimes by todays standards BUT look closely and you see what we have become and how important getting "intel"can be.I took 1 star off for being dated but its a classic and if secret agent films are your thing its a MUST see.A very young Richard Conte makes a good"Bad"guy and we sometimes forget how good a actor Sam Jaffe was.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.Oh and yes in bit parts that was future stars E.G. Marshall,Karl Malden and Red Buttons.

Documentary-style prologue follows training of O.S.S. agents for WWII work behind enemy lines. One of the group is a German "mole;" leaders Gibson and Sharkey are aware of this and scheme to feed him false info about the invasion of Europe, while the real agents go to France to find a secret V-2 rocket depot. But the German spy outsmarts them and rejoins his people knowing too much; Bob Sharkey takes the risk of going in after him. Written by Rod Crawford <>
13 Rue Madeleine - 4 stars out of 5 stars

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