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Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ( 2009 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Not since Federico Fellini's films,as a young man n the 70's,  have I seen a Swedish film and the ONLY reason I saw this one was to see why it was remade in 2011 in the US and I have since reviewed.I rate them both 4 stars and take the one star of for the dark subject matter.The big plus is that both films are pretty much the same with only two major differences.The US film seem to be star driven and the accent in on the performance while here it has a more dark,dare I say Fellini, story overtone.Finally the ending goes in different directions and one would have to see the swedish sequel and await a US one to see if that matters much.Bottom line I recommend both for the story line and contrived plot line.Must for mystery who done it fans.It has a few shock scenes but not quite as graphic as the US version,close however.
Trailer URL follows the pix and the IMDB summary below.Remember there are 3 books written in this series,this is but the first and all 3 have been filmed already in Sweden.I have only seen this first one which the original swedish name is Män som hatar kvinnor.

Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared from a family gathering on the island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger clan. Her body was never found, yet her uncle is convinced it was murder and that the killer is a member of his own tightly knit but dysfunctional family. He employs disgraced financial journalist Mikael Blomkvist and the tattooed, ruthless computer hacker Lisbeth Salander to investigate. When the pair link Harriet's disappearance to a number of grotesque murders from almost forty years ago, they begin to unravel a dark and appalling family history. But the Vangers are a secretive clan, and Blomkvist and Salander are about to find out just how far they are prepared to go to protect themselves. Written by Music Box Films 

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