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Monday, May 23, 2011

The Terminator 5 stars out of 5 stars

ts hard to review a movie when the star is in disgrace,but sometimes thats when we must.The Terminator is a all time fav of mine and  a well know film to boot,BUT,for those out there who think they won't see it because of Arnold "TheSpirminator"Schwarzenegger being its star,thats a mistake.This movie is James Cameron's masterpiece,not Avatar or Titanic.The idea is a sic fi fans wet dream and yet the movie IS a love story.Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator creates a monster worthy of any before or since.It's a single minded machine that will never stop,never rest until it rips your heart out.Zombies out there take note.Seriously he is just a obstacle for two lovers to overcome.A love that spans time itself.Now thats ROMANTIC. 
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor is the real star here.She's a simple enough, rather boring young lady and sort of insecure.Sound familiar??However that will ALL change.She will find love,lose it to death and bear the child of her lover as the only thing left to remind her that the unbelievable past few days were real.The love and the horror.Humm sounds like life to me. 
The sic fi in and of itself makes for a compelling story,but Sarah's ordeal of life and love takes it to that rare next level of classic.
I won't tell you the whole story for it has to be experienced for full effect but THE most famous scene that became part of our lexicon and gave us the line"I'll be back"is as follows.Sarah is in protective custody in a police station full of cops who believe Michael Biehn ,as Kyle Reese,a soldier sent from the future to STOP the Terminator from Killing Sarah.The Terminator approaches the desk and asks if Sarah is there.The desk sergeant replies she's being interrogated and can't have any visitors.The Terminator looks around and then says"I'll be back"Seconds lated a car come crashing into the station and the Terminator armed to the teeth,starts shooting everyone in sight to get to Sarah.
WOW,where'd that come from.Well briefly we will learn there will be supercomputers made by a company called "Skynet"that decide protecting humanity is not as preferable as destroying it.They merge with there soviet computers and launch"Judgement day"nuking humanity.But not everyone is killed.A few survived and led by John Conner they fight Skynet and one would think are beginning to get the upper hand because Skynet decides to send one of their warrior hunter killer Terminators back thru time to KILL Johns mom before she give birth to him.Deep stuff.
Well as Star Trek coined the phase"Tempera Paradox"boy do we have one here.
John sends one of his own trusted soldiers back to stop the Terminator and save his mom so he can be born.Here's the thing,the soldier he sends back is Kyle and HE falls in love with Sarah and well in a night of tender"we're gonna die tomorrow"passion, impregnates her.Have fun analyzing that !!!Thats the jest of the story but the action and story is memorable.In scenes like the Terminator coming thru time and landing out of thin air naked and killing 2 out of 3 punks who attack him and take the 3rd's clothes.Check out the 3rd punk,a future star in his own right.Think BIG Love .
Some might say well why not stop Skynet besides saving just Sarah ??Well thats why there are 3 more movies and a 2 season TV series based on just that.The movie was released in 1984 and runs 107 minutes.I think its the first well made time travel and watch out for the machines we make, movie made.Add the "timeless"love story and a classic was born.
Trailer URL is below the pix.

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