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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Leaves of Grass 3 stars out of 4 stars

This is the first movie I'm reviewing that I don't own.Let me say up front I do NOT like "stoner"or"black"comedies.I also said CGI is not that big with me.Aside from ALL that this film is quite interesting.Released in 2009 and running 105 minutes,I took off the 2 stars for the reasons I mentioned plus if I was from Oklahoma I might feel a little insulted.So why review it and recommend it??
First Edward Norton ,a fav of mine,plays twin brothers (theres your CGI) Bill Kincaid / Brady Kincaid.
Second I like contrast in characters and these 2 brothers are as far different as you can be or are they really??
Finally I like stories with  a purpose and I believe in the old saying "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger"
Now Bill is a refined "hot"looking author and professor at Brown university who is being courted by Harvard university and female students in his class.So much for light comedy.
Bill it seems has been running from his red neck small town hick past all his life.Now his brother Brady on the other hand has embraced that to the point of developing state of the art hydroponics for growing pot plants indoors. The stoner aspect.
I wont explain in detail the "black"comedy aspects or redemption aspects other than to say brother Brady doesn't survive.The rest of the cast including Susan Sarandon as mother of the twins,Daisy Kincaid and  Richard Dreyfuss as Pug Rothbaum and Tim Blake Nelson as Bolger head a rather large but well cast group of actors to add depth to a complex emotional yet simple story of "breaking the world,and putting it back together".
The trailer URL is below the pix as usual.

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