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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Night Fever - 5 Stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1977 and running 118 minutes,I relate to this movie more than any other.No,I'm not the great dancer or looked as good as John Travolta who plays Tony Manero.It's just the story I relate to.Hollywood,everyone looks good but the starts can and often are,ugly.In a classic moment in this movie,Tony is asking for his pay on friday rather than monday and Sam Coppola as the boss,Dan Fusco,try to explain that getting money on friday,you blow it and can't prepare for the future,in reply to Tonys rant about f- - k the future,he further states,no the future f - - k s YOU. True,oh so true.I was working since high school and like everyone I knew then we pissed it away every weekend while living at home as Tony does.Unlike Tony,I hung out in Queens rather than Brooklyn but it was pretty much the same on the weekends.My club was"Mickeys"on Woodhaven Blvd,Tonys was "2001 Odyssey"on 64th Street.
But this is not about me,its about him.Lower working class italian,Tony has a older brother whose a priest and a young kid sister,very religious mom and unemployed dad and a grandmother.Tony lives for the weekend to get away from the crap at home and a dead end hardware store job.What he can do is dance.One day his priest brother returns to inform everyone he's quit the priesthood telling Tony maybe he never really wanted to be one and was only living his parents dreams for him.Tony answers well maybe if your not so good,I'm not so bad.Like most of us,his"crowd"is going nowhere and will take him down with them.Drinking,random sex and racial separation is all they care about.Tony meets a status climbing female dancer he can pair of with in dance contests.Karen Lynn Gorney plays Stephanie that dancer but the real female part in this movie is the poor young girl who loves Tony but he's too blind to see it.Donna Pescow play Annette,and your heart really goes out to her.They way Tony treats her proves he is no hero,just a surviver like us all.The music,most by the Bee Gess,is still the biggest soundtrack album of all time.
The acting is good all around and the story has no happy ending.Only the realization that there must be something better and to try to achieve it.That my friends,is 50 % of the battle.
Trailer URL follows the pix

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