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Monday, June 20, 2011

Night of the Living Dead - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

For those who don't know of this picture,it was the film that started the Zombie craze.Released in 1968 and filmed in B & W,directed by the godfather of horror,George A. Romero,it runs only a eternity at 96 minutes.This is horror as a metaphor.For the first time in my reviews i'll start with the endThe lone survivor of the night of horror is shot dead by redneck white good old boys who thought he was a Zombie and then burned on a pile of dead bodies.A chilling sign of the times in the 60's.Burning that is and the racial innuendo.However the film doesn't bludgeon you with that,no,it churns your stomach with everyday normal fat,short,old recognizable folks chowing down on you and me.The hight of horror was a mother who was trying to comfort her bitten young girl who then dies and comes back to stab her mother to death with a garden hand spade so she can feast on her.
The memorable line from the movie comes early when a brother and sister are at a cemetery and the brother try to scare her by saying"Their coming to get you Barbra"and as he finishes,a zombie gets him.Its hard to believe this film is over 40 years old.
The filming in B& W makes up for some spotty acting although over half the cast plays dead zombies so who knew?Now don't misunderstand,I know Zombies come from the Caribbean  voodoo cults,but Romero gave them a new life and origin and brought them to the mainstream of film horror. This was the most historic horror film of my lifetime.The 1/2 star is for the amateur acting,however,in parts,that in itself is relevant and in no why camp.If you enjoy horror of any sort,this is a must see.Trailer URL follows the pix

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