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Monday, April 4, 2011

Eddie and the Cruisers 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

This is a very interesting film as it was first panned by many reviewers as a weird sort of take on Bruce Springstene.At any rate the film was a flop at theaters but it became the first film that cable TV make a hit,much the same as El Topo became the first "midnight"movie hit.This movie has a original music score ( John Cafferty and the beaver brown band) but it's not really a movie musical.There are elements of Ayn Rand"The Fountainhead"because of it's stand on not compromising one's artistic creativity.What it is not, is Bruce.The only thing resembling Bruce is a band on the Jersey Shore and a black trumpet player.No wonder people hate critics for their ignorance.   
     The film opens with a magazine planning on doing a story about the death and missing never released 2nd albums raw tape 20 years later.Going back and forth via flashbacks we learn about the band members and what they are doing now as well as the mystery about this never released 2nd album that disappeared the night Eddie ( Michael Pare) died.There were 2 sequels made of this movie but none rise to this level and only one actor appears in all 3.
   A fine cast makes the many layered character interactions riveting.
The film was made in 1983 and is a very tight but sadly short 95 minutes.The memories of the 60's on the Jersey Shore could have been anywhere where there was water.The same can be said for the college scenes.The Ayn Rand elements are,and I'm not really giving the ending away here being there are sequels,Eddie is NOT dead but he disappears from his old life because as he said in the movie,their music  must be great or why do it at all ?No mediocrity for him and when the record company experts pan his rough tape  he's devastated and leaves the life he knew by driving his car off a bridge but his body was never found.The real mystery in the movie is what happened to those tapes as 20 years later the group is a retro hit and those never released tapes could be worth a fortune.
  One of the best and more poignant scenes is when Eddie thinks "Word Man"( Tom Berenger) is making time with his girl Joann Carlino (Helen Schneider)so to get back at him while introducing the band members  to the college concert crowd of word mans old school ,refers to him as"Toby Tyler"a literary reference to a kid who ran away from home to be with the circus freaks rather than his real name is which is known to many in the crowd.
  I loved the film but had to deduct 1/2 star because although the movie has nothing to do with Bruce,sadly like so many other Jersey bands of that time,they sound a little like Bruce but in realty that's the Jersey Shore sound and well Bruce is the finest example of it and represents,so everyone else doing that sound,well you get what I mean. 
Link to the trailer is below the picture as always.

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