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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Man's Hero 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1999 and runs 121 minutes,this is a one of a kind movie for me.I'm sorry I can find only clips not  true trailer so you'll have to actually see the film without a trailer to wet your appetite.I gave it only 4 stars because well my country doesn't come off to good and thats hard to eat when its not Vietnam.Now we all know about the Alamo and even a FEW of us know that there was a second war with Mexico after Texas joined the US and in that war Mexico had its own sort of Alamo in Mexico City at Chapultepec Park and the story of  the Los Niños Héroes.That however is not what this movie is about.This is about something I had never heard about nor had the Mexican family of my ex wife OR the Irish folks I grew up with. This is why this movie should be seen.Alright already what is is about?I'm going to borrow part of a review by Mark Deming done online for The New York Times Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little known chapter from the Mexican-American War is brought to the screen in this historical drama based on fact. In 1846, shortly before the United States turned its aggressions against Mexico into armed conflict, John Riley (Tom Berenger) and a group of U.S. soldiers crossed the border into Mexico to attend Mass. Riley and his fellow soldiers were Irish nationals who had come to the United States to escape the economic devastation of their homeland, brought on by the Potato Famine. Like many other Irish immigrants, Riley was promised citizenship in exchange for serving a tour of duty in the Army, but the Irish Catholics soon found themselves treated like second-class citizens in the largely Protestant American military. Riley and his men are severely punished for traveling into Mexico, and Riley decides he can no longer abide the United States Army and its treatment of his fellows. Riley engineers an escape from the stockade and the Irish troops travel into Mexico, a peaceful Catholic nation where they believe they will be welcomed. However, as Riley and his men march into the mountains of Mexico, they encounter guerilla leader Cortina (Joaquim de Almeida), who is naturally suspicious of soldiers in U.S. uniforms. The Irish soldiers are taken prisoner and Riley is wounded in the skirmish, but in time Cortina and Riley come to see each other as allies rather than enemies. Riley also falls in love with Marta (Daniela Romo), a Mexican patriot and Cortina's lover. In time, Riley and his men form The Saint Patrick's Battalion and become one of Mexico's most effective fighting units. Tom Berenger served as co-producer for One Man's Hero as well as playing Riley.

Now I won't make a habit of copying someone else work,but in this case he reviewed it better than I could and I acknowledge as such.I would add many Civil War Generals got combat experience in this war such as Lee,Grant,Jackson and Picket to name a few.Again not in this movie,only the 2 Generals who would vis for the US presidency are they being
Gen. Winfield Scott and Gen. Zachary Taylor

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