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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Time Travelers Wife - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Let me state at the outset that I haven't read a book in many,many years.Also let me state the old chestnut about a movie based on a best seller never lives up to it.Somehow the sci-fi doesn't come close to the love story and fails to be believable because of it.Oh sure the acting in good,the music rocks and the endless love is compelling but the science lacks poorly behind. Just think of a baby IN THE WOMB traveling away from same into another time and surviving.I'm sorry,but thats what this film ask's us to do with the child of the said time traveler.Based on what we had seen of this traveler as a adult,one cannot picture a fetus doing this.I'm also a little queasy about that first meeting when the traveler is a adult and the wife is but a very young girl.This is why I deducted a full 2 stars.Its acting and professionalism  make it more than a grind house sic fi flick but it could have been so much better if the science had been explained more. One thing about time travel is the immortality of it.If you know when your to die,don't go there.Time travel is also full of paradoxes.In this case the traveler knows neither when or where he will jump but the film ignores alternate time lines as he continually confides in his wife and she leeds her life accordingly.I'm sorry I just can't believe it no matter how hard the actors try to make me.It is however worth the view as the premise is based with a evolutionary idea of a gene that facilities the time travel. I don't like the result,but I applaud the idea.Released in 2009 and runs 107 minutes.It stars Eric Bana as Henry DeTamble the time traveler and Rachel McAdams as Clare Abshire- his wife. The trailer URL is below the pix as usual.

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