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Monday, May 7, 2012

3 A.M. - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Spike didn't write or direct but he did produce through his film company the truly urban NYC film about a reign of terror against cab drivers and the stories of some of them.Not really my kind of film but it does capture working nights and getting by with honest yet under appreciated work in the hell hole that can sometimes be the city that never sleeps. 
If your a true new yorker you'll find it interesting enough.If your not,you might as well pass it by.Released in 2001 its a short 88 minutes and I took 2 stars off for the simple limited appeal storyline.The acting as always in a spike related film is standout.This cast is headed by     Danny Glover and Pam Grier and a interesting turn by Michelle Rodriguez with cameos by Clyde Fraser and Spike.the simple serial cab driver murder plot is just a excuse to examine working people at night in NYC and the grit that it can take to make a hard honest living.It's ok but if your not a new yorker you probably won't enjoy it.

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