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Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Rose - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A strange film.On one hand we have the "Divine Miss M" playing "The Rose",a compilation of many types of female singing stars.On the other hand,another film making excuses for those who mess up a promising life.Released in 1979 it runs a long 125 minutes and the music is not as good as one would have thought.Thus 2 stars off. It's just a movie that allows the "Divine Miss M"to show why she my be the best live performer around while having a script about folks we really don't care about such as a messed up small town performer goes big and can't handle it with a mean old manager and questionable relationships.Not very interesting.Still,I recommend a view just for the "Divine Miss M".
Trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summery below.

Bette Midler plays "Rose", an artist strikingly similar to Janis Joplin. The film follows Rose's career during her last tour. Her rock and roll lifestyle of Drugs, Sex, and Rock and Roll and constant touring lead her to an inevitable breakdown. Written by R. John Berggren <>

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