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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Steel Sharks - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This film is more interesting today than when it was released in 1997.However it's still fighting WW11,not todays enemy as the script would like you to believe.Still a good sub film is hard to find.Add to it Navy Seals and its watchable one time.The plot is simple. Civilian  scientist is kidnapped and the seals have to rescue him.Good stuff.The problem is that its Iran military not terrorists and the seal team sent to rescue him does but is captured itself and put on a Iranian sub which then plays "tag"with a US sub sent to extract the team after its mission.Some good navy footage as the Navy cooperated in the filming.Carriers,planes and subs,OH MY !!!! Still its good to boo the Iranians and cheer the seals even if it rings like fighting the "last"war instead of the one to come.Gary Busey plays Cmdr. Bill McKay,the USN subs captain with just enough aplomb to make you wonder if he's going to go off.Billy Dee Williams as Adm. Jim Perry head of the fleet, is really under-used and the rest of the cast is ok but not well known then or now,including the actors who played the seals.If you have nothing else to do, watch it.It's well made just not plausible.It's only 94 minutes and a trailer URL follows the pix.50/50 film,thats why I took 2 1/2 off and left 2 1/2 on.Plot believability is the negative.Subs and Seals,the positive

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