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Monday, May 16, 2011

The Soldier - 4 stars out of 5 stars

After watching "Salt"i got nostalgic for one of my favorite real cold war movies back in the day.Released in 1982 and running  96 minutes this film co starred one of my favorite actresses Alberta Watson as Susan Goodman and starred Ken Wahl  as"The Soldier"with a few surprise support roles of now big stars including a Country Western singer.You want to know,see the film.(Joaquim de Almeida,Klaus Kinski,George Strait )
A truly contrived plot is hatched by the Russians to force Israel off the West Bank or risk having the Saudi Oil fields NUKED by a bomb planted by terrorists,really the Russians in a attempt to destroy the West's economy under the guise of a Arab-Israeli conflict.
Of course there are many tricks and traps along the way including a elaborate plot by which KGB agents landing in Canada and cross the border to steal nuclear material as if they were terrorists to lend credence to their plot.I have crossed that border many times back in the days before 9/11 and this movie being released in 1982 was a cold slip in the face of just how easy it was to smuggle things across the worlds longest"unguarded border" as it was known back then.A US border guard  stops the KGB agents car which is full of weapons in the trunk and ask what their business was and they reply vacation and believe me,thats the way it truly was back then.The film also opens with a rather shocking shooting scene that at first seems like a terror attack but is really a counter terror attack.This film was sounding a large warning that no one heard till after 9/11.
There is also a ski chase scene that is amongst the best ever filmed anywhere.A great car chase and a good old boy bar fight.Alberta gets to"shoot"a guy in the face but is really a ruse of great makeup to get a terrorist to talk.Talk about enhanced interrogation techniques !!
The real scary part is I half believe the premise of the movie.My son once asked my"Does art imitate life,or life imitate art?"Good question.Would the US attack Israel to protect Saudi oil?Would the US NUKE Russian to protect Israel ?These are questions asked in the film.I took 1 star off because well it sometimes feels low budget,manly in the adverse acting.Still a must if you like cold war intrque with a touch of prophecy.URL for trailer is below the pix as usual

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