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Friday, May 13, 2011

Salt - 3 1/2 stars out of 4 stars

Finally saw this flick and I recommend it for at least one  viewing but I don't own it.It was released in 2010 and runs 100 minutes of pretty much none stop action.My issues with it is that the cold war is over and as much as we long to fight the Russians again its Islam we have to worry about and the story itself is based on the old CIA fear of"Ivan"that is a deep "mole"or if you will,secret agent plant that will come alive when called upon.This idea has been dealt with before in "Telefon "and "no way out"to name but a few.It's action and threat of a covert nuclear attack has also been done as well and I KNOW you know many of those like "Twilight's Last Gleaming"and "The Soldier" again to name but a few.That's why I had to take off 1 1/2 stars.There is really nothing new in this movie except Angelina Jolie as Evelyn Salt .She's as cool smart and sexy as any man.I give her the honor of comparing her to James Bond.The only difference is she is no slut.In fact the death of her love makes her a avenging angel that "Arnold" would be proud of. I know some hold her personnel life against her BUT as I love Brad,I love her acting.Always worth a view when they are in a film.The movie ends with the hint of a sequel.Bin Laden is dead however and only he would have been a real challenge for Salt. So I won't try to explain the plot as all cold war era plots are full of red hearings and twists and double twists and this film is a homage to that genre and doesn't disappoint but in fairness I had figured it out halfway in and just went along for the thrill ride.Trailer URL is after pix as usual.

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