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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Kentucky Fried Movie 1977 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Before "Animal House"and "Airplane"and with a dead on spoof of "Enter the Dragon"and"Wizard of Oz",all films reviewed on this blog,comes this film.Director John Landis and writers David Zucker, Jim Abrahams,Jerry Zucker got their later gigs based on this work.Urban legend has it that Michael Jackson hired Landis for his "Thriller"video based on liking this film so much.Released in 1977 and running but 88 minutes,its very dated and younger viewers will struggle with much of the references,after all,it is a spoof film and if you are not familiar with is being spoofed,well thats why I took 1/2 star off.That said, for those of a certain age and not afraid to laugh at political correctness right in the face,its FUNNY !!!! Yes there's some nudity and swearing and offensive stuff,but it was 1977 and all kinds of"revolution"was in the air,including comedy.This was and still is a landmark comedy.Full of funny cameos ,including a actor who played James Bond ( no spoiler see it yourself)  and some really funny skits.A fistful of yen was my sons favorite and it is a MUST for Bruce Lee fans,but there were 3 shorted ones that I laugh at just thinking about because I'm a dirty old man,again,no spoiler,but think black and other spoliation films.Bucket list comedy for truly PC incorrect fans who are slightly depraved as I am,HA.HA !!! Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below. 

A series of loosely connected skits that spoof news programs, commercials, porno films, kung fu films, disaster films, blaxploitation films, spy films, mafia films, and the fear that somebody is watching you on the other side of the TV. Written by Parca Mortem <>

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