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Monday, March 12, 2012

Dreamscape - 3 stars out of 5 stars

When I reviewed that bust of a picture "inception"awhile back I said I'd review this one at a later date.It's very dated so it doesn't stand up well and the story gets a little confused at times BUT there is a STORY and good acting makes a far better picture but still could have been so much more.Thats why I only give it 3 stars.Dennis Quaid as Alex Gardner heads a cast that includes this years academy award winner for best supporting actor,Christopher Plummer,and always professional Max von Sydow and Speibergs wife or is ex ? Kate Capshaw,oh well,amongst others.Released in 1984 it runs 99minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB review below.

A government funded project looks into using psychics to enter people's dreams, with some mechanical help. When a subject dies in his sleep from a heart attack Alex Gardner becomes suspicious that another of the psychics is killing people in the dreams somehow and that is causing them to die in real life. He must find a way to stop the abuse of the power to enter dreams. Written by Zaphod <>

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