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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Malcolm X - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Guess we are having a mini Spike movie fest here.Truth is,this flick has one of the great performances by a actor of a formally living person ever filmed.There are a few great performance's of live people where the actor gets a chance to meat the person and hopefully add things accordingly.Its far harder when the subject is dead and all the actor can draw upon is what we all already know.In this case Denzel nailed it. Malcolm X was as important figure as Dr King whether we would like to admit it or not.Even though I am white,I remember the "black"muslims as I grew up however it wasn't till after Malcolm was killed did I know of the rift between him and Elijah Muhammad.Being a muslim in the black community back in the civil rights movement was a big thing.Remember "Cassius Clay"and "Lou Alcindor"? NO?Well then how about Mohammed Ali and Kareem Abdu Jabbar? There were 2 schools of though on the movement,Dr Kings and Malcolm X's.Both widely followed and both had influence.A must see film for your enlightenment of the times,and great acting by all.Might well be the movie Spike is remembered for 100 years from now.Not my favorite film of Spikes because I wasn't a fan of Malcolm's but by far Spikes most"important film.Thus I took 1 star off for the subject and length of the long film.Released in 1992 and runs 202 minutes this film could not be made today because of 9/11 and any attempt to understand Islam.Trailer URL follows the pix as well as a IMDB summary below.

Biography of Malcolm X, the famous African American leader. Born Malcolm Little, his father (a minister) was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. He became a gangster, and while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam writings of Elijah Muhammad. He preaches the teachings when let out of jail, but later on goes on a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca, there he converts to the original Islamic religion and becomes a Sunni Muslim. He changes his name to El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz and stops his anti-white teachings, as he realises the error of his mistakes. He is later on assasinated and dies a Muslim Martyr. Written by Anonymous

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