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Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Mark of Zorro - ( 1940 ) 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1940 and running 94 minutes this movie is the definitive Zorro.better than Disney or the movies before and after it.First,the story of Zorro is also the story of Robin Hood.Different culture and times and ethnic devices but really,think about it.Noble,poor,military.Whats really great in this version is the casting of Basil Rathbone as Captain Esteban Pasquale because he also played Sir Guy of Gisbourne,a bad guy in the 1938 version of The Adventures of Robin Hood ,maybe the best version of THAT franchise.Talk about semitry.
Anyway,the only issues with this film is thats its in b&w and a as Hollywood did,cast whites instead of ethnics in major roles.That why I took the star off.That said,Tyrone Power as Don Diego Vega / Zorro ,is brilliant and the rest of the cast excels as well.Still its good vs evil,Zorro vs Esteban. Rob from the rich and give to the poor.All in 1820's spanish california.If you like period adventure this is your movie.Trailer below the pix is a scene since I can't find a trailer,and a IMDB summary below

A young aristocrat must masquerade as a fop in order to maintain his secret identity of Zorro as he restores justice to early California.

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