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Friday, March 9, 2012

Pork Chop Hill - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The Korea war is still the US least remembered war,maybe because it was fought as a "police action"on behalf of the UN with the US as the policeman against North Korea aggression against South Korea between 1950 and 1953.being only 5 years after WW11 and the fact we weren't attacked makes it of little interest to most.However we lost almost 37000 killed which makes it only 18000 less than Vietnam so we bled in this forgotten war.
Few movies have been made about this war and this is the second I've reviewed,"The Bridges at TokoRi"being the other.I took 1 and 1/2 stars off because as a pure combat action film its run of the mill full of cliches.Its filmed in b&w as well.No the value in the film is that it was made at all because like that war itself,the battle was purely political.A bad to see how much each side would expend troops over a objectve that had no military value.The value was a battle of will.You see it was being fought while a cease fire was being negotiated at Panmunjom to end hostilities.Each side showing it wouldn't give a inch while trying to make gains at the negotiating table.The cast is serviceable headed by Gregory Peck     as Lt. Joe Clemons .But the value is for you to want to know more about this conflict as North Korea is still a threat to peace today and we still have 30000 serviceman stationed near its boarder.Released in 1959 the film runs a short 97 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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