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Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Hunted - ( 2003 ) 3 stars out of 5 stars

First let me say this is a "bad" Rambo fighting the man who trained him,sort of.There was another film of the same name 1997 , but is not the same story at all.Just the name.
Now I took 2 stars off because its real violent and not a nice story at all as well as a very little plot line too.Released in 2003 it only runs 94 minutes to,short for a action film.So why watch it all ?? Because I'm a Tommy Lee Jones butt boy and I enjoy William Friedkin's style of directing.In short,this film is a quity pleasure.It's worth one view but not really anymore. Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

In the green woods of Silver Falls, Oregon, Aaron Hallam, a trained assassin AWOL from the Special Forces, keeps his own brand of wildlife vigil. After Hallam brutally slew four deer hunters in the area, FBI Special Agent Abby Durrell turns to L.T. Bonham-- the one man who may be able to stop him. At first L.T. resists the mission. Snug in retirement, he's closed off to his past, the years he spent in the Special Forces training soldiers to become skilled murderers. But when he realizes that these recent slaying is the work of a man he trained, he feels obligated to stop him. Accepting the assignment under the condition that he works alone, L.T. enters the woods, unarmed--plagued by memories of his best student and riddled with guilt for not responding to Aaron's tortured letters to him as he began to slip over the edge of sanity. Furious as he is with his former mentor for ignoring his pleas for help... Written by Sujit R. Varma 

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