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Friday, March 23, 2012

The Core - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes a movie has a great cast,a good story idea,and after watching you say,what happened??This is such a movie.released in 2003 its a bit long at 113 minutes and I guess I took 2 stars off because I didn't feel entertained after watching it.The A+ cast includes Hilary Swank and Stanley Tucci and a fav of mine,Delroy Lindo,yet after it was all over I was unhappy.The trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.It was well made,so thats wasn't it.Watch it once because maybe its just me??

The Earth's core has stopped spinning. Disasters are appearing all over the world: Birds acting crazy, powerful thunderstorms, 32 people die within seconds of each other when their pacemakers quit working. Dr. Josh Keyes and his crew of five (total members: 6) go down to the center of the Earth to set off a nuclear device to make the Earth's core start spinning again or Mankind will perish. Written by Inhotenjoys

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