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Friday, March 2, 2012

Logan's Run - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

If ever a film cried out"re-make me"this is the film. Released in 1976 and running long at 119 minutes,I took 2 and 1/2 stars of for the length and poor production qualities.Lest we forget its unfair to judge too harshly for it was up against a landmark FX film released the same year,"Star Wars".But model trains and cardboard sets,really ???Its bearly watchable today for after you've seen star wars,how can you sit thru what seems a amateur production by comparison.
However it is a good story with a good cast that just sucked as a watchable film.The trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.If you like a good sci-fi futuristic tale than sit thru the production shortcomings.( remember Star Trek the original series?)

It's 2274 and on the surface, it all seems to be an idyllic society. Living in a city within an enclosed dome, there is little or no work for humans to perform and inhabitants are free to pursue all of the pleasures of life. There is one catch however: your life is limited and when you reach 30, it is terminated in a quasi-religious ceremony known as Carousel. Some, known as runners, do try to escape their fate when the time comes and it's the job of a Sandman to track them down and kill them. Logan is such a man and with several years before his own termination date, thinks nothing of the job he does. Soon after meeting a young woman, Jessica-6, he is ordered to become a runner himself and infiltrate a community outside the dome known as Sanctuary and to destroy it. Pursued by his friend Francis, also a Sandman, Logan and Jessica find their way to the outside. There they discover a beautiful... Written by garykmcd

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