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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Remember Me - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

It will be difficult for film makers to add 9/11 to a movie plot and make the event a finalization of a drama not based on such a event.This film tries and comes close.Released in 2010 and running 113 minutes we have Robert Pattinson as Tyler Hawkins and i'm afraid this film will only solidify his typecasting as that brooding yet strangely appealing  young man of a woman's affections.Emilie de Ravin as Ally Craig is such a woman.In 1991 while waiting for a train with her her mom,they are mugged and her mom is gunned down.Her father is a old school cop forced to raise her alone and now 10 years later she's in college.There she meets Tyler who is the son of  broken marriage who only cares about his young sister since his older brother hung himself after a failed music career and working for a rich lawyer dad law firm.Tyler never adjusted and guards his young sister like a lion.The bulk of the movie is your regular growing and coming of age angst,until finally just when things seem to be coming together for everyone now thanks to the stubbornness of Tyler,a tragic ending ensues.That is,Tyler goes to his fathers law firm on the 88th floor of the WTC on the morning of 9/11 to talk to dads lawyers while dad switches places to take the young girl to school.One can only guess that all the players now will remember Tyler for helping put their miserable sad lives back together while he lost his that morning.
I had to take the 1 1/2 stars off because the story itself is nothing special UNTILL the double pain of 9/11 is added.Can many of survive such double blows?I recommend it as a start of 9/11 reflections but I wouldn't buy it.Trailer URL below pix.

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