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Friday, June 24, 2011

Mad About Mambo - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2000 and running a short 88 minutes,this is a little flawed gem.I took off 1 star because it's not a new story and well the dancing is not important and there in is the charm.Football and dance interweave in Northern Ireland's Belfast where the memories of the "troubles "are still fresh in the mind and cause tensions between the Catholics and Protestants.Into this mix are thrown high school  students in a coming of age romantic comedy which is quite cute.I recommend a view but not a purchase.There are many cultural errors between Spanish and Brazilian the main one is Mamba while Samba is the dance the young lad ,William Ash as Danny Mitchell wants to learn,because the Belfast United team just signed a Brazilian star and he stated how the rhythms of the Samba helps in the rhythms of football.The young lady,Keri Russell as Lucy McLoughlin,at least says at one point,Brazilians speak Portuguese not Spanish,but the music is never really clarified.But the main focus is the 2 teens and their ambitions and dreams.The girl comes from a successful catholic family and the boy from a just getting by one.Both are still in the minority and Northern Ireland is predominately Protestant.He wants to be a footballer and she,well,likes to dance.
Even with the errors it's still fun to see a attempt at humanizing Belfast.Remember thats where U2 came from.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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