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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Connie and Carla - 5 stars out of 5 stars

A brief explanation about the content in this movie.I grew up in NYC and visited the world famous club 82 a few times,the home of drag entertainment shows at that time.There is not a successful male comic who has not dressed in drag,NONE !!!Of course the brits brought it to another level with Monty Python.Now,that its clear,drag is a legit funny form of comedy for everyone but uptight scared people.THOSE will be shocked,the rest of us,enjoy a truly funny movie that I have NO problems with.
Now to the 2004 release that runs only 98 minutes.Think "Some like it hot",that I haven't reviewed yet,but MUCH gayer in all terms of that word. Nia Vardalos and Toni Collette are fabulous !!!!They play Connie and Carla who dream of playing  supper clubs doing SHOW TUNES !!!! Then they witness a murder and have a kilo of the killers coke unknowingly  hidden in their bag,and RUN.Well !! They wind up in LA in the heart of gay west hollywood where they pose as "drag queens"Yes women posing as men dressing as up as women !!!! Well !!!! So many funny possibilities as well as Nia and Toni doing fabulous as drag queens,impersonations of Lisa Minnelli and others along with some great broadway show tunes.I had a gay old time !!!!!Now add David Duchovny for a very confused love interest and I promise you will see a very funny and entertaining,MODERN comedy without everyone having to get stoned or wind up in bed !!!
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.ENJOY this little gem.

A mob mix-up in Chicago sends two chanteuses screaming for L.A., where they score a perfect gig: posing as drag queens on the dinner theater/cabaret circuit. Things get extra-weird when a guy falls for one of the girls.

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