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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lost Horizon (1937) - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

While reviewing "Atlas Shrugged"I mentioned there was a strong influence of this film in that one that I felt, in a overall if not so political vein,so I promised to re watch it and then review it on this blog,so here goes.
Released in 1937 and running 132 minutes I took only 1/2 star off because as I stated many times before,sadly,there are many who will just not watch a B&W film no matter what,their loss,not ours.
One of Frank Capra's many fine films and one of a few other screen versions,but I still feel this is the one to watch.Shangri-La is a place that comes from the novel by  James Hilton,that this film is based on.It's a idea drawn from the utopian view of a finally perfect world.So in the middle on the Chines Civil war with the war clouds of WW11 on the horizon,we are off on a trip that can only be described as truly a magical mystery tour !!!
There is a IMDB summary below as since I could not find a trailer URL,I put the opening credits from a DVD restored version instead.I won't go into anymore detail other than to add the acting and cast is A+++ for that day,with a special notation to all you fellow geeks,Spocks mom is in the film,YES a young and stunningly beautiful Jane Wyatt.
I think I shall re view the classic film"A tale of two cities"released in 1935 because I now remember how great a actor Ronald Colman truly was from his role in this film.

British diplomat Robert Conway and a small group of civilians crash land in the Himalayas, and are rescued by the people of the mysterious, Eden-like valley of Shangri-la. Protected by the mountains from the world outside, where the clouds of World War II are gathering, Shangri-la provides a seductive escape for the world-weary Conway. Written by Marg Baskin <>

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