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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Argo - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Yes Argo is the best picture of this past year 2012.Not just for the fun of seeing 3 characters ending conversations with the phase"Argo F_ _ K yourself"but because it was so uplifting to also blame Canada.The idea that 6 Americans could be extracted from revolutionary turned upside down Iran after being hidden by Canadians is the stuff of film fantasy.OH WAIT,it was really done under the guise OF a FILM FANTASY,Argo to be exact. Released in 2012 and running 120 minutes this film showed that Ben Affleck can still act and YES,he directed the film rather well I do believe,so take that Academy !!!!
All the cast worked well but special note to the 2 who played holloywood insiders and lent the "cover"needed to make the operation work.Alan Arkin and John Goodman.The whole plot centers around getting the 6 americans out posing as a film crew scouting film locations for a sci-fi film entitled"Argo"Outstanding and heres wishing someone makes THAT film as there was a script!!! Sometimes the government has success and sometimes not.This 1980 operation was and makes a hell of a picture as well.Must see.Trailer URL follows the picture.

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