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Friday, March 8, 2013

Atlas Shrugged - Part 1 and 11 - The Strike - (2011 + 2012) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Again as I did with "Red Cliff"I shall review 2 movies together because they are really the same movie but just in 2 parts and released over 2 years BUT unlike "Red Cliff"they have different casts.Maybe its because part 2 if far better than part 1 right down to the cast.Part 1 was almost incoherent till it was half over and some of that is small time cast.However in that part we learn what is needed to be know to fully enjoy part 2.Thats why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off and also because it is a political film that is unflinching.The 2 parts only total 208 minutes.
You must understand who Ayn Rand,the author of the novel these films are based on,and her political views and then you'll understand why losing VP candidate  Paul Ryan would quote her and make his staff read her book,which is why I had to see them for myself. I had seen the film"Fountain Head"and reviewed it here earlier.I had not read ether novel but enjoyed both films for being true to her beliefs of which I leaned as a youth since she was a celebrity.However I do not endorse her views in their entirety as there is never a clear 100% choice on the "right"or "left"and the debates will always continue,so I review this film on the merits to her philosophy.
As stated earlier part 1 was incoherent till it was half over,then we begin to get a feel that this world is falling apart as the government stifles profit for a more of a "each according to his needs" approach and those who innovate are torn as they see themselves become slaves to the masses.The film is updated to today,unlike the "Fountain Head" with even the 99 percenters and Fox News being shown on screen in part 2 !! We  also learn that there is a new power engine that was made but never used by a company in Wisconsin ( Paul Ryans home state no less)The only other spoiler I give you is the mysterious name used throughout the film as people who innovate disappear  are tied to"John Galt".
Oh and yes think of the classic 1937 film"Lost Horizon"which I have yet to review,I'm sure Ayn did as she wrote her novel.Must see for hard core political buffs,especially on the right,but,you have to understand motivations if your on the left so a must for you as well.
Can't we all get along !!!!! Trailer URL follows the pix.


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