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Friday, January 6, 2012

When Harry Met Sally - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1989 and running only 96 minutes the only issue I have with this FABULOUS comedy is that it's a kinder gentler version of Woody Allen's neurotic relationship movies.Plus it's a little dated at times.Thus 1/2 star off.
That said,I like this movie written by Nora Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner better than anything Woody's done.Meg Ryan is wonderful as Sally and Billy is good as Harry with a fine supporting cast and a good big band era soundtrack topped of by Harry Connick jr.
It takes Harry and Sally,who car pool from Chicago to NY after college to finally marry 12 years and 3 months later.The fun is why it took so long and a modern look at relationships and what you get for what you put in.Highly recommend.Many great scenes including the classic when Sally, at a resterant to prove a point to Harry ,starts moaning as if she's having a sexual orgasm and a woman at another table when asked what she wants replys,"I'll have what she's having" Trailer URL below pix

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