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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Devils Own - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

I'm a proud Brad Pitt ( Rory Devaney / Francis Austin McGuire )butt boy and I like Harrison Ford (Tom O'Meara )but sadly their the only things beside gritty NYC sets that recommend this movie,thus 1 1/2 stars off.Released in 1997 and running 107 minutes its a story of a IRA lad who comes to NY to buy weapons or the cause and is staying with a Irish family under the false impression they are sponsoring him as a young worker.Thats about it besides the usual IRA good,England bad,US Irish cop do the right thing regardless,and young bad guy not so bad but has to pay the price for the bad stuff he's done, formula stick.Still Pitt is good,Harrison as well and its a well crafted picture even if we've seen the story over and over.See it ONE more time.Trailer URL follows pix.

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