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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Secretariat - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Privilege leeds to power and position as well as distance from us the common people.So I viewed this picture afraid I couldn't relate to the issues facing the owners of this great horse.I was right,I couldn't and when they danced around the Vietnam war I almost turned it off. Fortunately they quickly focused on the horse.For this horse was special.I did see the great rout of Sham at the Belmont on TV and it remains as one of the greatest sporting events I have ever witnessed.The greatest horse race EVER,if you can call the utter destruction of the other 4 horse a race. This movie shows how Diane Lane as Penny Chenery ,the owner, won this great horse by LOSING a coin toss.You have to see the film to understand this ,and then syndicated the breeding rights for 6 million before he even won the triple crown starting with investor James Cromwell as Ogden Phipps,the richest man in the country at that time,who had won the coin toss and chose another horse .Released in 2010 and running a long 123 minutes,it's worth a view only to let younger viewers know of this great horse and remember what may have been the apex of horse racing before the plunge into the abyss it occupies today.The story of the humans involved is secondary and like "the social network"who really cares.Thus I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for that part of the movie even tho the actors were all good and tried hard to bring interest to a story where for me,there is none.The trailer URL follows the pix.Should be watched ONCE.

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