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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Machete - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Robert Rodriguez first burst on the scene with a GREAT trilogy of films about a hit man masquerading as a guitar playing Mariachi.I'll review them at a later date.In this film he tackles the illegal alien issue,drugs and all things Mexico,Texas,good and bad.Rodriguez uses stars,action,and comic book violence so over the top you have to laugh,but he has messages as well as funny dialogue.Example,Cheech Marin as Padre Cortez offers Danny Trejo as Machete Cortez  a cuban cigar and Machete declines saying Mexican, so The Padre says "I've got them too"and opens a cigar box filled with joints.But Rodriquez is a serious film maker who uses humor and over the top violence to make his points.Tom Savini     as Osiris Amanpour is also the inventor of some of the bloody special effects used in this film developed 20+years ago but is not credited as such in this film.Must be his"students"doing the effects and he's along for the ride just as a actor.Robert De Niro,Jessica Alba,Steven Seagal,Michelle Rodriguez,Don Johnson,Lindsay Lohan,help round out a good cast.This film is NOT for everyone,but if you like"comic book"movies with more depth, than Rodriquez is your film maker and this latest film is a  MUST be seen naughty pleasure.
Trailer URL follows pix.I've added the song "El Rey"to the music playlist from the movie but a version by Vicente fernandez rather than by Alan Martínez and the Mariachi Juvenil Tecalitlán in the film.I think the more classic version is better.Sue me !!!Released in 2010 it runs 105 minutes.

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