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Friday, August 26, 2011

If God Is Willing and da Creek Don't Rise - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

On the eve of what might be a devastating Hurricane,"Irene"heading for the Carolinas and parts north,it seemed fitting to review this documentary by Spike Lee.Now Spike has a habit of getting under folks skin with his no holds bared filming and this film is no exception,in fact I was squirming and had to go back and forth on it on my DVR.Released in 2010 and a little long at 4 hours but it was made to run in two parts for HBO so I only take 1/2 star off for meeting the demands for the job so to speak.
Now a documentary by definition is below

adjective /ˌdäkyəˈmentərē/ 
    Consisting of official pieces of written, printed, or other matter
        - his book is based on documentary sources
    (of a movie, a television or radio program, or photography) Using pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual record or report
        - he has directed documentary shorts and feature films
noun /ˌdäkyəˈmentərē/ 
documentaries, plural
    A movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report

This film is overkill on the facts.It's hard to watch this without feeling the poorer people and in most but not all cases, black folks were screwed for a few reasons including profit,expedience,and plain old incompetence.However I also come away with the fear that as in the case of the 9/11 responders,the true depth of pain and suffering is still ongoing.
Perhaps Spike,who lives in NYC, wants to get this across as well.Let's not forget he made a film in 2006 called"When the Levees Broke"and now 5 years later things are still bad for many regardless of the Superbowl as one person is on camera,and I paraphrase,"Heck I still have to worry about food tomorrow"  This is a very hard film to watch especially with its opening rant BUT for a so called christian country its hard to believe we allow things like this to continue.Trailer URL follows pix.

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