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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Lovely Bones - 4 stars out of 5 stars

A offbeat different type of fantasy/horror film that I was drawn to by the cast and stayed for the story.It's not your typical lurid bloody horror film,rather its a examination of the aftermath of a horrific act on the survivors.First off Saoirse Ronan as Susie Salmon,the victim of a serial pedophile killer (Stanley Tucci as George Harvey) is a star in the making and Stanley plays the killer like you would not believe, considering the type cast roles we are used to seeing him in.  Mark Wahlberg and Rachel Weisz and Susan Sarandon are fine as the family of murdered Susie and Michael Imperioli as Len Fenerman ,a more subdued cop than we are used to seeing him play,round out the cast.But the fantasy aspect of the victim watching out for her family and trying to find a way to bring justice to her killer is the real twist here.Well done and really a "chick flick"rather than a horror film. Highly recommended.Released in 2009 its a little long at 135 minutes and its theme is still adult and is not suited for all viewers so I take 1 star off for that but I thank God I never had to live through or know anyone who has,such a retching ordeal.Trailer URL follows pix.

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