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Monday, August 1, 2011

Going the Distance - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK,I might be a little old for this kind of comedy but it made me laugh.Although I can't identify with anything in this movie,it still made me think maybe…….Took the 1 and 1/2 stars off because its not really a new idea and it was a little juvenile at times,but for a laugh and a cheep rental you can do far worse.Drew is beginning to show her age and might do better in more mature roles down the road.Storying from IMDB below as well as Trailer URL following pix.Released in 2010 it runs 102 minutes.

A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one another.

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