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Friday, August 5, 2011

Blackboard Jungle - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1955 and running 101 minutes this film is a classic but flawed film.I took 1 star off for B&W and the flaws and being a little dated.The flaws are NO teacher I ever knew would go through the things that Glenn Ford as Richard Dadier went though in fact there is a scene where he hs the opportunity to go to a better school but turns it down.REALLY ????That leap of faith aside,it is quite compelling.I went to a school like that although not so violent.Aside from the true 50's feel as true as "On the waterfront"what was really interesting was introducing Sidney Poitier as not really bad,Gregory W. Miller,years later he would be on the other side of the desk in a similar school flick from the UK called"To Sir with love"which I'll review at a later date.Below is the storyline from IMDB.Trailer follows the pix.

War veteran Rick Dadier is one of three new teachers hired at North Manual High School, an inner city boys school. This is his first teaching assignment, which he needs to support himself and his insecure pregnant wife, Anne. Despite Principle Warnecke's assertions to the contrary, Dadier quickly learns that the rumors of student discipline problems at the school are indeed true. The established teachers at the school try to counsel the newcomers, all inexperienced in such situations, as how best to handle the rowdy students. Regardless, Dadier tries to exert discipline in his class, which provokes a violent response. Dadier believes the student leaders against him are Artie West, but more specifically Gregory Miller, who he thinks uses the fact of being black as a means of racial provocation. Dadier has to decide either to leave and teach at a "real" school, or stay and figure out how to get through to his students... Written by Huggo

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