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Saturday, August 20, 2011

How Do You Know - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The problem I have with romantic comedies is the stories are usually so far out you can't relate at all,other than being a human.So I ask you,are you a Eskimo or Bedouin?See my point?Being human is NOT enough.In those cases only the sheer force of a outstanding actor who somehow makes the absurd  storyline believable ,by making the character they portray seem real ,makes it watchable,and then only once. In this movie such is the case.It starts with a very cute opening scene of a little boy trying to hit a baseball off a tee and failing miserably and then a little girl hits the ball off the tee with power and smiles but the boy pushes her to the ground out of jealously.Sadly that is the only original and funny scene in the movie.Its downhill from there except for the wonderful Reese Witherspoon as Lisa,that little girl who grew up to be a world class softball player but now at 31 years old finds herself cut and having to go on with her life and THAT is whats silly.She's involved with a baseball player, Owen Wilson as Matty  ,a real silly self  absorbed character and also  Paul Rudd as George,the overly sensitive son of Jack Nicholson as Charles ,a totally uninspired performance,as they say"for the paycheck"From there the story just is totally unbelievable but you watch it because you almost believe Reese,almost.Thats why I only gave it 2 1/2 stars.Released in 2010 its also a little long at 121 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix.

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