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Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Social Network - 2 stars out of 5 stars

Pet rocks,Hula hoops,TV,Polio vaccine,commercial air flight,Interstate highways,pro sports,social media.See a pattern??It's all subjective and as such,your valuation of social media would determine your value of Facebook.That is what this movie is about or to be more precise two lawsuits over the formulation of the company.I only rated this film 2 1/2 stars because I rate the importance of Facebook somewhere between the pet rock and TV.
It's fun but at the end of the day your social skills have regressed as you have no real personnel interaction face to face.Playing games and "friending"is like catching your brains as they melt from watching the boob tube.Kids ore on the PC today like we were on the TV.That said the movie had to be boring and it was.Who really cares and what does it matter if Harvard wanna bee's developed  Facebook to get laid and overcome insecurities ?
Still a great cast made it watchable if you forced yourself to get past the first few minutes.
Truth is that the movie is based on a book based on the two lawsuits which were settled with confidential clauses.You really don't even know if the story you watched is anymore true than referencing something with"I read in on the internet".The only thing I took from the movie was a quote attributed to then president of Harvard and former Treasury secretary,Larry Summers,and I'm really paraphrasing,"Harvard students attend school to create a job for themselves rather than learn a job."At the end of the movie I cared less about Zuckerman and his "crew"(rowing reference not gang)than I did when it began.I guess if you NEED to know about this subject its worth a view.Me?Thats two hours of MY life I'll never get back.Released in 2010 it runs 120 minutes.Trailer follows the pix.

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