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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Annie Hall - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Never been a real big fan of Woody Allen because he keeps making the same film over and over,ah,but that first film !!!! Released in 1977 and only running a too short 93 minutes the film covers one side of growing up in NY and the lingering affects it can have on you for years to come.Now thats Woody s take as a Brooklyn born poor Jew but neurosis can be funny and it does start somewhere.God knows NYC is home to pop phycology.
His tagline ,he credits Groucho Marks with,I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member,sums it all up.
As funny as he is and how he plays his failures with women,Diane Keaton is a natural for him.Her character is from the mid west but is as screwed up as he is.Like two ships that pass in the night,they hook up and have a few years till their own individual neurosis forces them apart.It's a darker "When Harry met Sally"but tastes better as the years go by.
Some top notch talent appear in little more than cameo roles, for its Woody's and Diane's film,but,I have to mention a short but scary part by crazy man Christopher Walken. Don't get in a car with him driving !!!
I guess as time goes by I see some of Woody in me so I recommend the film over a Dr's appointment anytime.Trailer URL follows the pix.I think I now enjoy it more than "Forget Paris"and will adjust me favorite comedy pick as a result.

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