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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Predator - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Next to "The Terminator"the best work Arnold Schwarzenegger has done to date.Released in 1987 and running 107 minutes this film spawned a few sequels and tie in sort of films but none with Arnold or nearly as well done.A good supporting cast however all killed,round out this fun sci-fi film of a special ops team running into "hunters"from outer space .Scary idea !!!!You got to love ex wrestler and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura as Blain,a member of the team. As I stated,a special ops team is on a mission in central america BUT so is a hunter from space,what happens when the run into each other is the whole story,flimsy but bloody well done and a pure rush.Must see for sci-fi,war,and Arnold fans.Trailer URL below the pix.

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