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Thursday, February 2, 2012

The King's Speech - 4 stars out of 5 stars

I wanted to give this film my top rating of 5 stars but I had to take 1 star off because we never really get to explore the "back"story of the King's stutter issue.It's only hinted that it dates back to childhood family tough love issues.Also I hate "talky"play like movies as this is.Those 2 issues aside,it's a fabulous film.The King's stutter issue is quite important in the context of the turmoil surrounding him at the time he ascends to the throne as King of England.War with Germany had arrived in 1939 and he must give a speech to the people to fortify their resolve.As he states,he has no power to form a government nor lead a army yet he must speak to the people as their symbol of morality yet he can not speak !!!
The film covers roughly 1934 to 1939 as the future King realizes he must correct his speech issues.Along the way his father the King dies and then his older brother who becomes King abdicates to marry a divorced american commoner.Heavy issues with WW11 on the horizon.
The acting is fabulous by both Colin Firth as King George VI and Geoffrey Rush as Lionel Logue a aussie actor who also teaches speech since he first helped WW1 shell shock victims.The rest of the cast is also fine.This by the way was the father of the Queen of England who is portrayed as a young girl by Freya Wilson in a minor role.
The sessions between the 2 are quite interesting considering one is a King and the other is nothing as the King in anger once tells him.If it really happened the way portrays,the Aussie was truly ahead of the curve and the King truly enlightened for the cursing and humiliation both go through is not regal at all.
Maybe I'm in love with all things England again after watching Downton Abbey?
Still released in 2010 and running 118 minutes its well worth the time and 4 Oscars it won.
Trailer URL follows the pix.

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