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Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Producers ( 1968 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Classic Mel Brooks comedy that inspired a smash broadway play and re-make movie and could NOT be made today as new material because of the politically correct world we now live in where its all funny till its about YOU.Released way back in 1968 and running a short 88 minutes,it still stands up well which is why I only took 1 star off.It's a grade "A"cast that include 4 standout performances by Zero Mostel as Max Bialystock and Gene Wilder     as Leo Bloom,Dick Shawn 'L.S.D.' - Lorenzo St. DuBois  ( who plays Hitler)and finally Kenneth Mars as Franz Liebkind (the playwright)also some old-time Vaudeville stage humor is provided by Lee Meredith as Ulla (a pretty girl and nothing else).
If your a prude and politically correct PASS it by,otherwise sit and enjoy one of the funniest movies ever made.The trailer I used is the broadway play scene first part of the production number of "Springtime for Hitler in Germany"and follows the pix as usual.
See the whole plot of the movie is Max is a bad producer who gets a idea from talking to his accountant leo that to end his money problems just produce a BIG flop that closes on opening night !!! All the investors lose their money to HIM that way since he hasn't spent it all yet.How the movie shows this is one funny scene after another as Max must charm old ladies out of their money to invest in his new play and offer the large %'s of future profits like 50% or such !! As long as its a flop so what?So they find this crazy old WW11 german vet who wrote a love story to Hitler and well,I think you can guess the rest.No flop big problems!!! LOVED IT !!!

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