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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fail-Safe ( 1964) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Yesterday while reviewing Dr Stranglelove I said I would thus review this 1964 release as well,as they are tied at the hip so to speak.Running 112 minutes and also shot in b&w I had to take 2 stars off because of length and b&w and the story has a fatal flaw IMHO.
That said,it is a very serious no nonsense film starring Henry Fonda as The President but really having Larry Hagman shine as "Buck " a translator with whom the president speaks to the russian premium .The rest of the cast is "A"list as well.Here's the flaw.As fascinating as the story is about a US bomber accidentally nuking Moscow,the final resolution would have you accept the president nuking NYC to avoid all out war.
I'm sorry but history is full of wars of accident and a US president  nuking NYC for peace,REALLY?? Anyway,perhaps you might buy in to that,many did and that's why the film is a mini classic.For that reason it's worth your  viewing once.However,I prefer Dr.Strangelove.The acting is equally good in both films.Trailer follows the pix.

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