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Monday, July 9, 2012

Freejack - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Truly a movie crying out"Remake me NOW"Maybe its the casting,or the the flawed plot,but there is a good idea in this 1992 film that runs 110 minutes.The sci-fi idea is thought provoking.The future holds the ability to snatch someone in the past, a moment before their own death, so a rich old future type can have their own mind transferred into that all but "dead man walking"would have been dead younger body, like a transplant of sorts to continue living.OK,I think you can see both the moral as well as sci-fi aspects of this VERY interesting idea.Sadly,this plot falls very short by making it simply old rich future folks live in a world going bad and still cling to there own fantasy by reliving life in a past ideal.Well,maybe,thats still not so bad,but when you think of alternate timelines and butterfly fly effects,well,my head hurts!!!!
The casting is youth rock and rollish and that also lessens the impact to a large degree as well.Yeah,Jagger shows he can act a little and Rene Russo fits her part well,but Emilio Estevez??? Finally when they turn loose Anthony Hopkins its too late.The rest of the cast are just film fodder and supply a few yucks along the way. Still,kudos for a good idea,now will someone refine it??? 2 stars off for all the negatives I mentioned.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Auto racer Alex Furlong is snatched by time travel, a split second before a fatal explosion, by Vasendak's 21st-century team of techies, who plan to sell his healthy body to an ailing rich man at McCandless Corporation, for a mind transfer. He escapes, but has no rights in this nightmare future of violence and sleaze. The story concerns his survival, and his attempt to revive his relationship with his fiancĂ©e Julie, now 15 years older and an executive at McCandless. Written by Will Briggs <>

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